Fill in the attached form and our employee will contact you shortly for details on signing the firm’s founding documents.

Required fields are only fields marked with * (star).

Choose a company type. If you have not yet decided about the type of company. Leave this field blank and let us help you in choosing the kind of company based on your business plan.
Enter the street number, Municipality / City
Enter the name and surname of the founders / owners of the company
Choose whether you want to enter the company’s founding capital in cash or in objects that will be assessed by an authorized appraiser. Minimum founding capital for (LLC, Ltd is 5,000 Euros), (SP – no founding capital) …
Choose whether you want to enter the equity capital with the registration or within one year of registration
Choose a type of business activity for the new company
This e-mail will be registered in the Central Register and will be an e-mail that will be used for access to the Public Revenue Office and other state bodies
Registration up to 3 employees within the company’s founding. For a larger number of employees, in agreement with the client.
If you wish, we can order Stamps for the Company and deliver them with the newly established company Registration Certificate